6th Periodic Meeting in Brussels

During the days 18th and 19th of February, the 6th periodic meeting has been celebrated in Brussels, as meeting for preparing the Intermediate Technical Review. During the meeting, every single Work Package leader has presented the outcomes of the technical tasks, the status of the deliverables and the nexts steps within the project.

All the partners have been represented in Brussels for the technical review. During this meeting, the advances in the project are introduced there. As main achievements, the APO services have been developed and deployed in the TUC building in order to be the first version of the control algorithms and address, later on, the remaining buildings, including the simulation tools and models. On the other hand, the core of the interoperability, the Communication Logic Layer, has been successfully designed and currently is under development. Finally, the data layer has the BMSs, BIM Servers and DataWarehouse instances deployed correctly and accessible for the further implementation of the connectors.