Technical University of Crete

The Technical University of Crete is a research-oriented university with activities encompassing a number of engineering disciplines. The mission of the University is to contribute to the advancement of the state-of-the-art in pertinent technological fields while establishing and maintaining close cooperation with the industrial- and production-sectors in Greece and abroad.

The Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics research group involved in the BaaS project has extensive experience in the modeling and simulation of thermal systems and in the development of simulation, design optimization and control algorithms for large-scale thermal systems. The TUC research group has significant experience in the area of ICT for Energy Efficiency. A non-exhaustive list of research activities in pertinent to the BaaS project research areas include: development of cloud-based building monitoring and control systems; integration technologies; development of building simulation software; development of algorithms to facilitate intelligent building operation. The TUC research group has a computer cluster to support computational activities. In addition, as part of past research activities, a building on the Technical University of Crete campus has been fitted with an extensive sensing infrastructure and a web-based monitoring and control ICT system has been developed by members of the group – this building will act as a test-bed for algorithm testing and ICT tool development in the BaaS Project.


Dimitrios Rovas
Technical University of Crete
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
